
To meet new societal concerns, organizations need to measure up to urgent new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards of operations or risk failure. We work across the value chain to support organizations to define and embed their chosen approach to ESG & Responsible Investment and we help our clients find their unique solutions to lead the way in a new sustainable economy.

ESG Strategy

  • Diagnose your current sustainability positions.
  • Identify and prioritize the most significant ESG issues that could affect your business.
  • Align measurable sustainability objectives with your corporate strategy based on financial, operational, and regulatory performance measures.
  • Support the alignment and integration of your sustainability vision into your overall corporate strategy.
  • Develop a tailored, robust approach to building ESG into your sourcing and investment processes.
  • Embed sustainability in every facet of your strategy and operations, to address everything from energy and emissions to investments and due diligence. Our sustainability consulting expertise extends to plastics recycling and sustainable materials, sustainable food systems, supply chain optimization, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Develop and deliver a robust sustainability program that focuses on:
    • Environmental measures especially Carbone sequestration and water management.
    • Social measures concerning human rights and the organization’s relationships internally and externally (equality, working conditions, human rights, product safety, community relations, supply chain transparency, and more)
    • Governance measures factors of decision-making, from sovereigns’ policymaking to the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in corporations, including the board of directors, managers, shareholders, and stakeholders.


ESG Strategy
Carbon Sequestration

Carbon Sequestration

  • Take a comprehensive look at your systems, from product design and supply chain to manufacturing and operations in order to determine the carbon level and the best methods for reducing it.
  • Perform complete product teardowns that include assessing value, resources, product circularity, and emissions, as well as identifying opportunities to substitute lower-carbon/less resource-intensive components without sacrificing performance or margin.
  • Identify the suppliers, technologies, and developers needed to remove carbon from the supply chain, focus on low-carbon procurement and logistics, and improve the carbon footprint of existing suppliers.
  • Reinvent your portfolio mix to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize risk, and maximize growth.

Water Management

  • Groundwater assessments, management, monitoring, and protection plans.
  • Stormwater management and treatment plans for our client. This includes catchment area calculations, hydrological and natural inventory of small streams, and wetland studies.
  • Evaluate your water activities, identify risks, forecast future changes, and suggest solutions.
  • Offer Water Safety Plans (WSP) and Sanitation Safety Plans (SSP).
  • Studies of water network locations and assets.
  • Renovation design of water networks.
  • Maintenance of water network maps
  • On-site testing and analysis of water-related equipment.
  • Water System Monitoring.


Water Management