The future of work – work, technology, flexibility and people

Digital transformation (DX) and Industry 4.0 inevitably change the future of work, requiring a work transformation for an increasingly digital economy and work environment. The future of work has been one of the hottest topics in conversations regarding the evolution of business, our built environment, and our lives since the accelerating adoption of digital technologies. And how else could it be? In our societies, work is essential throughout

TRANSFORMEUS Consulting Provides Professional Training In The Lebanon Export Academy

Lebanon Export Academy, implemented by UNIDO and UNDP, in partnership with Berytech, under the joint UN – Productive Sectors Development Program (PSDP), is the first export training center and online academy in Lebanon. Its goal is to provide to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives with the abilities and knowledge needed to sustain their operations, increase their export readiness, enter new markets,

Network effects: How to rebuild social capital and improve corporate performance

People’s professional networks have shrunk since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, while companies’ attrition and hiring challenges are growing. To help reverse these trends, people and organizations will need to manage workplace interactions more intentionally. Here’s how. Social capital—or the presence of networks, relationships, shared norms, and trust among individuals, teams, and business leaders—is the glue that holds organizations together. When teams feel